racconto la mia vita e le mie battaglie... E' il viaggio di JO attraverso la propria anima ribelle e nel mondo... “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard
Informazioni personali
- SunflowerJo
- “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe
lunedì 30 gennaio 2012
jo-urneys: I feel ZEN!
jo-urneys: I feel ZEN!: A little bit of Zen... by P.S. Vasu Stories that illustrate the foundation of Zen philosophy: "A says he is not afraid. B says he is not...
I feel ZEN!

A little bit of Zen...
by P.S. Vasu
Stories that illustrate the foundation of Zen philosophy:
"A says he is not afraid. B says he is not afraid and he is also not afraid of being afraid. The first statement comes from a mind that is tight and assertive—a mind that clings to fixed viewpoints. The second statement comes from a mind that is nimble and free-flowing—a mind that does not cling to fixed viewpoints. The first type of mind is an 180º mind, represented by a half circle. The second is a 360º mind, represented by a full circle.
The 360º mind does not have any preconceived notions—not even the preconceived notion that there should not be any preconceived notions. The 360º mind is open, flexible and uncontrived. It is without blocks and always change-ready".
We just need to recognize our limits and our capacities, we need to believe in what we can always do!
Un po' di Zen...
Storie che illustrano le fondamenta della filosofia Zen:
by P.S. Vasu
"A afferma di non aver paura. B afferma di non aver paura e di non aver paura di aver paura. La prima affermazione proviene da una mente chiusa e assertiva, una mente che si aggrappa a dei fissi punti di vista. La seconda affermazione proviene da una mente agile e fluida, una mente che non si aggrappa a punti di vista fissi.
Il primo tipo di mente è a 180° e si potrebbe rappresentare come un semicerchio. La seconda è una mente a a 360°, rappresentata da un intero cerchio.
Una mente a 360° non ha idee preconcette, nemmeno l'idea preconcetta che non dovrebbero esserci idee preconcette. E' una mente aperta, flessibile e non artificiosa. E' senza blocchi e in continuo cambiamento".
Ci occorre solo riconoscere i nostri limiti e le nostre capacità, ci occorre credere in ciò che possiamo sempre fare!
giovedì 19 gennaio 2012
Skiing, snowboarding and relaxing...

As I told you in my last post, tomorrow I will start my first new year's resolution...enjoying my life more and more every day!!! You are maybe guessing what I am going to do...
This season of the year is perfect to jump into the car, drive a couple of hours north-east of Rome and reach Abruzzo with its altitudes and its little towns...Roccaraso is Italy's third biggest ski resort and the most popular in Abruzzo, with 70 trails and a vertical of nearly 700 metres. Nearby Campo Imperatore and Rivisondoli are both higher.
I'm not a snowboarder...yet...but another resolution could be learning new sports! Anyway you can enjoy the mountain even if you are not a skier or a snowboarder... White and beautiful landascapes will make your soul warm...and spa (or Thermae) will make your body warmer!!!
Can't wait to be there!!!
campo imperatore,
martedì 10 gennaio 2012
Relaxing getaway

After Chtistmas holidays, full of many lunches and dinners, we all need a relaxing weekend, a romantic getaway!
I'm now trying to plan the best weekend ever but I'm also experiencing the hardness in doing that!
First I would like to find a cheap but chic place;
Second I would like a place easy to reach on Friday night after a long day at work;
Third...I would like to be sure that I'm not going to make any mistakes...
One good thing of being italian and living here is that wherever I go I'm sure to see beautiful cities and fantastic landscapes...That's already a good start!!!
Florence or Siena with the "sweet Chianti hills", Pisa with the magic pendant tower, Venice with the lagoon and, above all, arts and history everywhere!
Maybe to really enjoy my weekend I shouldn't plan it...I mean I should leave it in "Destiny's hands"...or in my husband's hands!!!
Anyway planning or not planning it I'm sure it will be great and relaxing...no work to do, no dogs to look after, no house to clean...I will be spoilt like a princess!
giovedì 5 gennaio 2012

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
The Latins used to say "Nosce te ipsum", in english it could sound like "know yourself" and it means "learn who you are and where your limits are" but it also means "find where the truth is" because what is real is inside yourself...
I know it can sound a little bit confused but after years of yoga and my academic studies I believe it!
If I am in peace with myself I can be the strongest person of the world but I will be in peace only when I will have found myself, my happiness and the right direction. I know I have the age to say "I finally know where I'm going" but life keep going and we keep searching...it doesn't mean we will never be in peace, it just means we will have more awareness in what we are doing!
I Latini usavano dire "Nosce te ipsum", in italiano potremmo tradurlo come "Conosci te stesso" e significa "impara chi sei e dove sono i tuoi limiti" ma anche "trova dove risiede la verità" poichè ciò che è reale è dentro di te...
Lo so che può suonare leggermente confuso ma, dopo anni di yoga e di studi accademici, io ci credo!
Se sono in pace con me stessa posso essere la persona più forte del mondo ma, allo stesso tempo, sarò in pace solo quando avrò trovato me stessa, la mia felicità e la giusta direzione. Lo so che alla mia età dovrei già dire "Ok, finalmente so dove sto andando" ma la vita continua ad andare e noi continuiamo a cercare...non significa che non saremo mai in pace, significa solo che avremo più consapevolezza di ciò che stiamo facendo!
martedì 3 gennaio 2012

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win".
Sun-tzu (~400 BC), The Art of War. Strategic Assessments
It's all about winning or losing something...My 2012 best resolution is to be a winner in my life! I know it means a lot and it's a big thing to say but I want to achieve all I deserve and I have worked hard for!
Please let me know what your new year resolution is!
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