Informazioni personali

La mia foto
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

martedì 28 gennaio 2014

My first Australia day in Australia!

Since I met Brad, even if we were not in Perth, we have tried to celebrate the Australia day wherever we were living... This year  has been my first "real" Australia day in Australia! For all my friends around the world I would like to explain what the 26st of January means for this country. 
January the 26st of 1788 Captain Athur Phillip took formal possession of the colony of New South Wales and raised the British flag for the first time in Sydney Cove. Therefore we can consider this day a sort of "Foundation Day" and since 1994 all states and territories celebrate Australia Day togheter on the actual day and they welcome new citizens or honour people who did great services. 

Celebrations started early in the morning with events on the local beaches. I actually went to Cottesloe one of the most popular and beautiful beach of Perth, there was a "thong challenge" to raise money for the 5 participating surf clubs and it has been awesome to see all those orange giant inflatable Havaianas thong in the ocean despite of the strong wind. The Havaianas challenge broke the world record with 2099 orange thong in the water!!!

After this Brad and I went to Fremantle for a walk...just because we love Freo!!!

In the afternoon we spent the day in Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour waiting for the fireworks.
Great show from 8pm that last 20 or more minutes...Just amazing watching the fireworks from a boat seeig the lights reflecting on the ocean.
What I really liked is the spirit of the day, the fact that people from all over the world were proud of being part of this big country.   

Da quando ho incontrato Brad , anche se non ci trovavamo in Italia, abbiamo sempre cercato di festeggiare l'Australia day ovuque fossimo...Quest'anno e' il mio primo vero Australia Day su suolo australiano!
Per i miei amici lontani vorrei spiegare velocemente cosa realmente significa questa festa per questo paese. Il 26 gennaio del 1788 il capitano Arthur Phillip prese formale posseso delle colonie vicino Sydney isssando la bandiera inglese. Possiamo dunque considerare questa giornata una sorta di festa della fondazione e dal 1994 tutti gli stati e i territori festeggiano insieme questa giornata dando il benvenuto a immigrati diventati nuovi cittatidini australiani e riconoscendo il valore di qualche persona per i servizi prestati.

Le celebrazioni sono iniziate presto, soprattutto con degli eventi sulla costa. Io sono andata a Cottesloe beach, una delle spiagge piu' famose e belle di Perth. 
A Cott si e' tenuta una sfida con delle gigantesche infradito havaianas arancioni, il tutto per raccogliere dei fondi per i 5 surf club partecipanti. Nonostante il forte vento la spiaggia a superato il record mondiale vincendo con 2099 partecipanti in acqua.
Dopo di questo siamo andati a fare una passeggiata a Fremantle...solo perche' amiamo Freo!
Il pomeriggio lo abbiamo trascorso a Fremantle Fishing Harbour aspettando i fuochi d'artificio. Uno spettacolo meraviglioso durato piu' di 20 minuti e che abbiamo visto dalla barca...una emozione vedere l'oceano illuminato dai fuochi.
Cio' che veramente mi e' piaciuto e' il fatto che persone provenienti da tutto  il mondo erano ugualmente orgogliose di essere parte di questo grande paese.

Aggiungi didascalia

giovedì 16 gennaio 2014

Shabby chic and the Art of recycling

Today I'm going to start a new project. .. I bought this coffee table for 10 dollars and now I'm going to make it useful again.  Let's start this new challenge!
What I need is sandpaper to smooth the surface, white primer, a candle, paintings in 2 different colours and a final varnish to seal.

Follow my progresses!

mercoledì 15 gennaio 2014

Fashion and the city (Perth)

I probably sound redundant but my cultural backgroud only makes me think about fashion as something elegant, a little bit sophisticated and very feminine (talking about women's fashion!).
I am in Perth since the 1st of December and I have seen some kind of clothes that are not fashionable at all. I would like to start from the very bottom...Shoes (my "not so secret" passion!)...The "must have" of this summer seems to be a sort of, especially seen in white,  sandal with short and big square heel (you just should  ban that!) or a chunky wedge ...A photo can explain better what I'm talking about...

Sorry but even the red nail polish on your toes can't make these shoes sexy and feminine!!!

Short high waist pants  are also very popular and, to be honest I'm not completely against them but your body has to be in a perfect shape to wear them...otherwise don't do it, please!

Walking around the city you can also see lots of fluo clothes (tops, pants, dresses...), I know it's summer and the sun makes our souls brighter but, I'm probably old school, I still prefer a little black number!

Anyway this is only my modest point of view not a bible at all!

My honesty makes me say that I've also seen many really nice dresses, the only (big?) problem is they are very expensive. In Italy it's much easier to find good quality clothes for an affordable price. Could it be a sort of suggestion to think about?